61. Don’t judge book by its_.
(A) Page
(B) Cover
(C) Author
(D) None of these
62. Who visited Saudi Arabia resist in condition between countries brief to PM Imran Khan ago and after agree to visit Saudf Arabia?
(A) General Faiz Hameed
(B) Qamar Javed Bajwa
(C) Shah Mahmood Qureshi
(D) None of these
63. The third stage of Rostow Model is:
(A) Traditional society
(B) Take off
(C) Age of high mass
(D) None of these
64. Two high tides and two low tides of nearly
equal level each lunar day is called:
(A) Frequency of tide
(B) Semidiurnal tiae
(C) Full diurnal tide
(0) None of these
65. 0.005 x 0.2=
(A) 0.1
(B) 0.01
(C) 0.001
(D) None of these
66. The mean proportional between 2 and 8 is:
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) None of these
67. The average age of 3 friends is 23. Even if the age of 4th friend is added the average becomes 23. What is the age of 4th friend?
(A) 21
(B) 23
(C) 25
(D) None of these
68. In a set, S= (0,2,4,5,9). Which number is skip
in set the average is same.
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) None of these
69. If a/3 = b/2 then find 3a+2b/3b-2a:
(A) 10/7
(B) 12/5
(C) 1116
(D) None of these
70. The solution of (1+1/x) (1+1/x+1) (1+1/x+2)
(1+1/x+3) is
(A) x+4/x
(B) x+6/x
(C) 3 +8/x
(D) None of these
71. Express the recurring decimal 0.125125 as a
rational number.
(A) 125/9
(B) 125/99
(C) 125/999
(D) None of these
72. A man walked for 1/3 hour and then got an automobile ride for 1/2 hour. What part of time consumed he ride on automobile?
(A) 5/6
(B) 3/5 (0.6)
(C j 7/8
(D) None of these
73. Which is not a multitasking operating system?
(A) Windows
(C) Linux
(D) None of these
74. The capacity of Compact disk is:
(A) 600 MB
(B) 650 MB
(C) 700 MB
(D) None of these
75. The best technology to save data in disk is:
(A) Tapes
(B) Laser
(C) Punch cards
(D) None of these
76. The graphics and text can be seen clearly on
(A) Print layout
(B) Print title
(C) Normal
(D) None of these
77. Which is included in desktop computer:
(B) Motherboard
(C) Hard disk
(D) All of these
78. In MS word we can create another copy of
documents by:
(A) Save
(B) Save as
(C) Print
(D) None of these
79. First operating system was developed in:
(A) 1976
(B) 1950
(C) 1945
(D) None of these
80. IC stands for
(A) Integrated circuit
(B) Internal Circuit
(C) Input Command
(D) None of these
81. Dot Matrix is a type of: _
(A) Storage device
(B) Printer
(Q) Special slot
(D) None of these
82. Eight bits is equal to _ byte.
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) None of these