61. What do you understand by “Choreography”?
(A) The study of universe
(B) The study of secret writing
(C) Techniques used in space traveling
(D) The steps and movement in dances

Answer – D

62. “Order of the Rising Sun” is the highest
military award of: –
(A) Japan
(C) Norway
(D) UK

Answer – A

63. According to Global Dynamism Index (GDI)
the world’s most dynamic economy is of: –
(A) America
(B) China
(C) Australia
(D) Germany

Answer – C

64. Which country’s economic growth rate is
fastest at present?
(A) Argentina
(B) China
(C) India
(D) Chile

Answer – B

65. Which year India- granted Most Favoured
Nation Status (MFN) status to Pakistan?
(A) 2005
(B) 2006
(C) 2007
(D) None

Answer – D

66. “A Tale of Two Cities” is a famous novel of:
(A) Charles Dickens
(B) Leo Tolstoy
(C) D.H. Lawrence
(D) None of these

Answer – A

67. ‘Pascal Lamy’ is: –
(A) President of France
(B) Director General WTO
(C) Managing Director IMF
(D) None of the above

Answer – B

68. The newly designated Secretary General of Organization of Islamic Conference lyad Madani belongs to:
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) Egypt
(C) Qatar

Answer – A

69. America will withdraw its forces from
Afghanistan from the year: –
(A) 2014
(B) 2015
(C) 2016
(D) 2017

Answer – A

70. United States Secretary of State is:
(A) Hillary Clinton
(B) John Kerry
(C) Leon Panetta
(D) None of these

Answer – D

71. “Taipei” is the capital of: –
(A) North Korea
(B) South Korea
(C) Cambodia
(D) Taiwan

Answer – D

72 Eiffel Tower is located in:
(A) London
(B) Paris
(C) New York
(D) Rome

Answer – B

73. The largest number of women received Nobel
Prize in the category of:
(A) Peace
(B) Medicine
(C) Literature
(D) Physics

Answer – A

74. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was started in:
(A) 1979
(B) 1980
(C) 1982
(D) 1961

Answer – A

75. The Headquarters of International Labour
Organization (ILO) is located in:
(A) Geneva
(B) Paris
(C) New York
(D) Rome

Answer – A

76. The theory of ‘Clash of Civilizations’ was
presented by:
(A) Francis Fukuyama
(B) Michael W. Doyle
(C) Fouad Ajmi
(D) Samuel P. Huntington

Answer – D

77. Which of the following gases is mainly
causing global warming?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Methane
(C) Carbon dioxide
(D) Hydrogen

Answer – C

78. “Anaemia is: .
(A) Respiratory disease
(B) Brain disease
(C) Nervous disorder
(D) Bloodlessness

Answer – D

79. The world’s largest natural gas deposits are
(A) US
(B) Russia
(C) China
(D) Brazil

Answer – B

80. “Petra” is the news agency of:
(A) Poland
(B) Syria
(C) Jordan
(D) Qatar

Answer – C