41. ‘Cathay Pacific’ is the airline of:
(A) Italy
(B) Hong Kong
(C) India
(D) France
42. The currency of Syria is:
(A) Dollar
(B) Pound
(C) Guilder
(D) Peso
43. Thar is the desert of:
(A) Subtropical
(B) Cold Winter
(C) Polar
(D) Cool coastal
44. “Naples” is the seaport of
(A) United States
(B) Italy
(C) Norway
(D) England
45. The capital of Sweden is:
(A) Stockholm
(B) Oslo
(C) Tallinn
(D) christinia
46. ‘BSS’ is the news agency of:
(A) Bangladesh
(B) Belarus
(C) Britain
(D) Brunel
47. The name of Norway’s parliament is:
(A) Stortinget
(B) Congress
(C) National Assembly
(D) Senate
48. Kuril Islands are situated between:
(A) China and India
(B) Russia and Japan
(C) India and Russia
(D) US and Afgan
49. Durand agreement was concluded between British India and Afghan Amir ____
(A) Abdur Rehman Khan
(B) Abdul Khaliq
(C) Sharif l<;han
(D) Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan
50. Which city is called gate way of Pakistan?
(A) Islamabad
(B) Karachi
(C) Multan
(D) Lahore
51. Jaillanwala Bagh massacre took place in:
(A) Lahore
(B) Amritsar
(C) Delhi
(D) Agra
52. Who among the following were popularly known as Red shirts?
(A) Congress
(B) Khudai Khidmatgar
(C) Socialists
(D) Democrats
53. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in London in:
(A) 1930
(B) 1931
(C) 1933
(D) 1934
54. Moplah Rebellion of 1922 took place in:
(A) Kashmir
(B) Kerala
(C) Aasam
(D) None of these
55. In Bengal, the headquarters of East India
Company were located at:
(A) Fort St. David
(B) Fort William
(C) Fort St. George
(D) Bengal khan
56. The state of Jammu & Kashmir was ruled by
(A) Ghulab Singh
(B) Ghulab Khan
(C) Ghulab Dev
(D) Ghulab Chandergarh
57. After Nile, which is second longest river of
(A) Amazon
(B) Missisippl
(C) Indus
(D) Kabul
58. What is the cause of dengue fever?
(A) Plasmodium
(B) Virus
(C) Bacteria
(D) Both A & 8
59. Pakistan became ILO member in:
(A) 31 Oct, 1947
(B) 14 Sep, 1947
(C) 14 Nov, 1947
(D) 14 Dec, 1947
60. 1st May is observed all over the world as Labour Day in honor of working people of:
(A) Moscow
(B) Be.ijing
(C) Chicago
(D) Cairo