PMS 2012 GK Paper solved

Combined Competitive Examination (PMS) 2012
Paper: General Knowledge

1. Which of the following is the landlocked?
(A) Nigeria
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Kenya
(D) Uganda

Answer – D

2. Tehrir square is situated in:
(A) Rabat
(B) Tehran
(C) Cairo
(D) Istanbul

Answer – C

3. Benghazi is a city in:
(A) Iraq
(B) Syria
(C) Morocco
(D) Libya

Answer – D

4. River Nile originates from:
(A) Lake Nyasa
(B) Gherangany Mountains
(C) Lake Victoria
(D) Springs in Kenya

Answer – C

5. Greenwich is located in:

(A) Green Land
(B) England
(C) Holland
(D) France

Answer – B

6. Canton is a city in:
(A) Thailand
(B) Germany
(C) China
(D) South Korea

Answer – C

7.Indonesia and Malaysia are separated:
(A) lnaccessible mountain
(B) Gulf of Malaya
(C) Malacca Strait
(D) None of these

Answer – C

8. Capital of Zimbabwe is:

(A) Harare
(C) Pretoria
(B) Seoul
(D) None of these

Answer – A

9. Myanmar is the new name of:
(A) Cambodia
(B) Ceylon
(C) Burma
(D) None of these

Answer – C

10.Morocco and Spain are separated by:
(A) Pyrenees Hills
(B) Alps
(C) Strait of Gibraltar
(D) River Rhine

Answer – C

11. The apex elected body in Israel is called:

(A) Parliament
(B) Knesset
(C) Congress
(D) Shura

Answer – B

12.Communist Revolution took place in Russia in
the month of:
(A) March
(B) June
(C) October
(D) November

Answer – C

13.Pulitzer is an American Award in the field of:
(A) Sports
(B) Scuba
(C) Letters and journalism
(D) Music

Answer – C

14. The name of US Envoy for Afghanistan Pakistan is:
(A) Richard Hallbrooke
(B) Marc Grossman
(C) Leon Paneta
(D) Robber Gate

Answer – B

15.De facto means:
(A) Defective
(B) actual, as a fact
(C) Deficient
(D) Legal

Answer – B

16.Carte Blanche means:
(A) Full discretionary powers
(B) A blank thing
(C) Going by the rules
(D) Wheel in the motion

Answer – A

17: Corrigendum mean:
(A) Agenda of the meaning
(B) Things to be corrected
(C) Study of some gender
(D) Correspondence

Answer – B

18. Faux pas means:
(A) A fine person
(B) Luck
(C) Wisdom
(D) False and incorrect step

Answer – D

19. Fifth Column refers to:
(A) Huge pillar
(B) long writing
(C) Loyalty
(D) Treachery

Answer – D

20. Paediatrics refers to
(A) care of pregnant women
(B) Care of old people
(C) Care of children
(D) Care of bones and joints

Answer – C