PMS 2009 GK Paper Solved

Paper: General Knowledge

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1. The world is celebrating in 2009, 200th birth anniversary of the scientist:
(A) Charles Darwin
(B) James Watt
(C) Roger Bacon
(D) Isaac Newton

Answer – A

2. “BIN” is the intelligence agency of:
(A) Iraq
(B) Indonesia
(C) Afghanistan
{D) Bangladesh

Ans – B

3. Science of human races is called:
(A) Demography
{B) Chorography
(C) Anthropology
(D) Bangladesh

Ans – C

4. American President’s special envoy to the Middle East is:
(A) Sherard Cowper Coles

(B) Richard Holbrooke

(C) George Mitchell

(D) Robert Gates

Answer – C

5. ‘Aramco’ is the oil company of:
(A) America
(B) Russia
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D} Iran

Answer – C

6. ‘Tehge’ is the Currency of:
(A) Kenya
(B) Kyrgyzstan
(C) Cuba
(D) Kazakhstan

Answer – D

7. ‘Chennai’ is the new name of the Indian city:
(A) Madras
(B) Patna
(C) Agra
(D) Lucknow

Answer – A

8. World Bank President is:
(A) Robert Zoellick
(B) Strauss-Kahn
(C) Shakour Shaalan
(D) none of these

Ans-A. This was asked in PMS 2009.As for now it has been changed and keeps changing So, keep yourself updated about curren affairs.

9. ‘Asiana Airlines’ is of:
(A) Japan
(B) South Korea
(C) Thailand
(D) Malaysia

Answer – B

10. California’ is known as ‘Silicon Valley’ because of:
(A) Hollywood film industry
(B) Computer software industry
(C) Science beauty and resorts
(D) Mineral resources

Answer – B

11. Which of the following countries is celebrating 50 years of Communist Revolution in 2009?
(A) China
(B) Cuba
(C) North Korea
(D) Vietnam

Answer – B

12. Which of the following Central Asian States has recently closed down American air base at ‘Manas’?
(A) Tajikistan
(B) Kazakhstan
(C) Turkmenistan
(D) Kyrgyzstan

Answer – D

13. “Seattle” is the seaport of:
(A) Germany
(B) Canada
(C) China

Answer – D

14. Kerry-Lugar bill in US Congress, if approved, would provide to Pakistan an annual economic assistance of:
(A) $ 1.5 billion
(B) $ 2 billion
(C) $ 2.5.billion
(D) $ 3 billion

Answer – A

15. Klaus Schwab;·is the founder of
(A) Red Cross
(B) Scout Movement
(C) World Economic Forum
(D) Cable News Network (CNN)

Answer – D

16. The Noble Peace Prize 2008 has been awarded to MarttiAhtisarri for his efforts in conflict resolution on different continents; he is a former President of:
(A) Chile
(B) Netherlands
(C) Finland
(D) Argentine

Answer – C

17. Chronometer is used to measure:
(A) Velocity
(B) Pressure
(C) Time
(D) none of these

Answer – C

18. Why “Black Sea” is so called?
(A) The dense fog that prevails there in water
(B) A large number of black rocks in the water
(C) The water of sea is black
(D) None of these

Answer – A

19. The Muslims of Mindanao Island are struggling for their political rights in:
(A) Japan
(B) South Africa
(C) Philippines
(D) Myanmar

Answer – C

20. ‘Likud and Kadima are the two main political parties of:
(A) Iran
(B) Lebanon
(C) syria
(D) None of these

Answer – D