PMS 2005 GK Paper Solved


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1. Which is the largest (Longest river of Asia)
(A) Yangtze
(B) YHang Ho
(C) Sindh
(D) Ganga

Answer – A

2. Hockey was first played in
(A) China
(B) Pakistan
(C) India
(D) England

Answer – D

3. Word ‘Tsunami’ belongs to language
(A) English
(B) Japan
(C) Urdu
(D) None of these

Answer – B

4. Which country is the largest contributor of UNO’s budget
(B) France
(C) UK
(D) Japan

Answer – A

5. The Main Centre of Tamil activities in Sri Lanka is:
(A) Jaffna
(B) Colombo
(C) Kandy
(D) None of these

Answer – A

6. Which country’s constitution is not in written form
(B) Switzerland
(C) UK
(D) Japan

Answer – C

7. Antra is a news agency of
(A) Turkey
(B) Indonesia
(C) Thailand
(D) Russia

Answer – B

8. The first satellite sent by USA in space was
(A) Challenger
(B) Sputnik
(C) Explorer
(D) None of the above

Answer – C

9. Where is present world’s largest Great Corel Reef?
(A) Australia
(B) Germany
(B) UK
(D) Canada

Answer – A

10. UNO called a decade of___ from 2004 to 2014
(A) Protection of environment
(B) I.T
(C) Education
(D) Poverty

Answer – C

11. Gandhara Art centre was situated between
(A) Sindh and Jhelum
(B) Jhelum and Chenab
(C) Chenab and Ravi
(D) Sindh and Ravi

Answer – A

12. Etymology is a science of
(A) Birds
(B) Insects
(C) World
(D) Words

Answer – D

13. Which country has oldest anthem
(A) Denmark
(B) Japan
(C) Sweden
(D) UK

Answer – B

14. Which day is observed on 15 May every year
(A) Father day
(B) Country day
(C) Family day
(D) Woman day

Answer – C

15. Who was the first viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Canning
(B) Lord Hasting
(C) Lord Curzan
(D) None of these

Answer – A

16. Where the world’s largest road tunnel is located
(A) Switzerland
(B) Australia
(C) UK
(D) Belgium

Answer – A

17. One ton is equal to
(A) 5 quantal
(C) 10 quantal
(B) 7 quantal
(D) None of these

Answer – C

18. World Wide Web was invented by
(A) Leonard Clark
(B) Jemes Watt
(C) Bill Gates
(D) Berners Lee

Answer – D

19. In 1893 the Durand line agreement was signed by king of Afghanistan
(A) Aman Ullah
(B) Abdul Rehman
(C) Habib Ullah
(D) Daud Khan

Answer – B

20. Pakistan day is observed on
(A) 23 March
(B) 14th August
(C) 1st May
(D) 28 May

Answer – A