Mughal Dynasty MCQs and Quiz

1. Babar came to India originally from
(a) Farghana
(b) Khiva
(c) Khorsan
(d) Seistan


2. Babar won the first Battle of Panipat mainly because of
(a) His cavalry
(b) His military skill
(c) Tulughma system
(d) Both b and C


3. In which year Babar defeated Rana Sanga?
(a) 1525
(b) 1526
(c) 1527
(d) 1528


4. Babar wrote his autobiography which is known as—
(a) Tuzk Namah
(b) Baburnama
(c) Tuzk-e-Jhangiri
(d) Tuzk-i-Akbari


5. Babar was succeeded by whom?
(a) Shah Jahan
(b) Bhadur Shah
(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar


6. Humayun was ousted by?
(a) Akbar
(b) Sher Shah Suri
(c) Jahangir
(d) Aurangzeb


7. Real name of Sher Shah Suri was —
(a) Abid Khan
(b) Fahad Khan
(c) Farid Khan
(d) Shahid Khan


8. Shah Suri is well known for his administrative skill, especially his,
(a) Land revenue system
(b) Market control steps
(c) Mansabdari system
(d) Law and order


9. The coin Rupia was first issued by
(a) Sher Shah Suri
(b) Alauddin Khilji
(c) Akbar
(d) Muhamamd bin-Tughlaq


10. Who was the ruler of medieval India credited with the building of the Grand Trunk Road?
(a) Babur
(b) Sher Shah Suri
(c) Jahangir
(d) Aurangzeb