Mountain Passes of Pakistan MCQs and Quiz
1. Karakoram Pass connects Kashmir with
(a) India
(b) Iran
(c) China
(d) Afghanistan
2. Khunjerab Pass connects Gilgit-Baltistan with
(a) India
(b) Iran
(c) China
(d) None of these
3. Khunjerab Pass is situated in____Range?
(a) Hindu Kush
(b) Karakoram
(c) Himalayas
(d) None of these
4. Dorah Pass connects Chitral and_____
(a) Iran
(b) Afghanistan
(c) China
(d) India
5. Dorah Pass is situated in____Range?
(a) Karakoram
(b) Himalayas
(c) Hindu Kush
(d) None of these
6. Khyber Pass connects____with Kabul.
(a) Peshawar
(b) Quetta
(c) Karachi
(d) None of these
7. Khyber Pass is situated in____Range?
(a) Safed Koh
(b) Waziristan Hills
(c) Sulaiman Range
(d) Karakoram
8. Gomal Pass is between Afghanistan and_____.
(a) South Waziristan
(b) North Waziristan
(c) Bajour
(d) Khyber
9. Gomal Pass is situated in_____mountains.
(a) Waziristan Hills
(b) Safed Koh
(c) Sulaiman
(d) Hindu Kush
10. Bolan Pass connects_____with Sibi Plains.
(a) Quetta
(b) Peshawar
(c) Orakzai-agency
(d) Swat