Measurements and Equivalents MCQs & Quiz

1. What is the S.I. unit of temperature?
(a) Kelvin
(b) Celsius
(c) Centigrade
(d) Fahrenheit


2. One metre is equal to how many yards?
(a) 1.094 yards
(b) 1.105 g
(c) 1.012 yards
(d) 1.214 yards


3. One mile is equal to how many kilometres?
(a) 1.725
(b) 1.108
(c) 1.609
(d) 1.475


4. One square yard is equal to how many square metres?
(a) 0.836 sq. m
(b) 0.912 sq. m
(c) 0.812 sq. m
(d) 0.875 sq. m


5. One kilometre is equal to how many metres?
(a) 900 m
(b) 1000 m
(c) 990 m
(d) 950 m


6. One metre is equal to how many feet?
(a) 3.014 f
(b) 3.314 f
(c) 3.281 f
(d) 3.146 f


7. One square kilometre is equal to how many square mile?
(a) 0.3899
(b) 0.3126
(c) 0.3861
(d) 0.3714


8. One square metre is equal to how many square centimetres?
(a) 10000 sq cm
(b) 1000 sq. cm
(c) 100 sq cm
(d) 100000 sq cm


9. One nautical mile is equal to how many kilometre?
(a) 1.614
(b) 1.921
(c) 1.853
(d) 1.756


10. One pound is equal to how many kilogram?
(a) 0.482
(b) 0.454
(c) 0.445
(d) 0.431