1. The story of Karoon is mentioned in? A. Sura Baraat B. Sura Maida C. Sura Qasas D. Sura Lael 2. 27 Attributes of God are mentioned in? A. Hadeed B. Al-Mulk C. Al-Qalam D. At-Talaq 3. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the name of Allah repeated only five times? A. Maryam B. Haj C. An’am D. Mu’meen 4. In which Surah the name of Allah is repeated in every verse? A. Sura Al- Haj B. Sura Lael C. Surah Mujadala D. Sura Hamzah 5. The creation of heaven and earth is mentioned in which Surah? A. Surah Namal B. Surah Rehman C. Surah Yaseen D. Surah Al Al A’raf Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7