1. Striving in the path of Allah is termed as? A. Jihad B. Ijtihad C. Shahada D. Hajj 2. Prophet who built the Ark? A. Ibrahim (Abraham) B. Nuh (Noah) C. Hud D. Salih 3. Which prophet was thrown into a blazing fire by his people, but was saved by Allah? A. Nuh (Noah) B. Hud C. Ibrahim (Abraham) D. Salih 4. Which prophet interpreted the dreams of the Egyptian king? A. Yusuf B. Sulayman C. Ayyub D. Zakariyya 5. Prophet who is believed to have been swallowed by a giant fish? A. Ibrahim (Abraham) B. Yunus (Jonah) C. Yusuf (Joseph) D. Shuayb Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7