11. The discovery of sea route from Europe to India was made by:
(a) Marco Polo
(b) Vasco da Gama
(c) Christopher Columbus
(d) Ferdinand Magellan


12. Who raised the slogan “No taxation without representation”?
(a) People of Russia
(b) American colonies
(c) Industrial workers of England
(d) Workers of France


13. What was the name of the atom bomb dropped by the US on Hiroshima during World War II?
(a) Little Boy
(b) Little Fly
(c) Little Devil
(d) None of these


14. The first successful socialist revolution in history was:
(a) American Revolution
(b) Russian Revolution
(c) French Revolution
(d) None of these


15. Where was Napoleon sent into exile after the Battle of Waterloo?
(a) Capri
(b) Corsica
(c) St. Helena
(d) Elba


16. Which of the following events occurred first?
(a) Russian Revolution
(b) French Revolution
(c) American War of Independence
(d) Chinese Revolution


17. The slogan ‘No taxation without representation’ was first raised during the American Revolution in:
(a) Massachusetts Assembly
(b) Philadelphia Congress
(c) Boston Tea Party
(d) None of these


18. The European Renaissance of the 15th century is noted for great advances in:
(a) Medicine
(b) Art and Architecture
(c) Engineering
(d) Mathematics


19. German attack on Poland was the immediate cause of:
(a) World War I
(b) World War II
(c) Cold War
(d) West Asian crisis


20. Which was the first city destroyed by the atomic bomb in World War II?
(a) Hiroshima
(b) Paris
(c) Nagasaki
(d) London