Who discovered the existence of radio waves? Thomas Edison Guglielmo Marconi Heinrich Hertz Nikola Tesla None Who discovered the theory of evolution by natural selection? Charles Darwin Gregor Mendel Thomas Hunt Morgan Hugo de Vries None Who discovered the law of conservation of energy? James Clerk Maxwell Michael Faraday Albert Einstein Robert Boyle None Who discovered the double helix structure of DNA? Rosalind Franklin James Watson Francis Crick Both B & C None Who discovered radioactivity? Marie Curie Pierre Curie Ernest Rutherford Enrico Fermi None Time's up Who discovered the first successful vaccine for smallpox? Edward Jenner Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Jonas Salk None Who discovered the theory of general relativity? Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler None Who discovered the theory of general relativity? Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler None Who discovered the process of photosynthesis? Jan Baptista van Helmont Joseph Priestley Melvin Calvin Julius von Sachs None Who discovered X-rays? Ernest Rutherford Marie Curie Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Enrico Fermi None Time's up Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15