Phobias MCQs Go to One Liners What is the fear of public speaking called? Arachnophobia Glossophobia Hemophobia Hydrophobia None What is the fear of flying called? Hydrophobia Glossophobia Aviophobia Astraphobia None What is the fear of spiders called? Acrophobia Arachnophobia Claustrophobia Hemophobia None What is the fear of heights called? Ablutophobia Agoraphobia Acrophobia Nyctophobia None What is the fear of closed spaces called? Claustrophobia Coulrophobia Astraphobia Xenophobia None Time's up What is the fear of germs called? Ablutophobia Xenophobia Mysophobia Coulrophobia None What is the fear of snakes called? Hydrophobia Ophidiophobia Claustrophobia Astraphobia None What is the fear of needles called? Acrophobia Hemophobia Coulrophobia Ablutophobia None What is the fear of the dark called? Glossophobia Nyctophobia Arachnophobia Aviophobia None What is the fear of thunderstorms called? Acrophobia Hydrophobia Astraphobia Hemophobia None Time's up Pages: 1 2 3 4