The Old name of Korea is___________? Choson Magyar Helvetia None None Old name of Zimbabwe is__________? Southern Rhodesia Northern Rhodesia Saigon Zaire None Grand Old Party is also known as _________? The Republican Party Liberal Party Labour Party Democratic Party None What was the Old Name of Saudi Arabia? Jabal-e-Tariq Burundi Majd And Hejaz Najd And Hejaz None Of These None Upper Volta is the new name of___________? USA Somalia Burkina Faso None of these None Time's up What is the new name of the Country Swaziland? Belarus Moldova Angola eSwatini None Ghana is the new name of Diamond coast Gold coast Silver coast Black coast None “Chennai” is the new name of which Indian city? Patna Madras Agra Lucknow None Athens is the new name of Greece Athinai Cyprus Rome None What is the current name of the country that was formerly known as Burma? Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Laos None Time's up Pages: 1 2 3 4 5