81 . There is a civil wrong that is committed against a person for which compensation may be sought through a civil court, e.g. Personal injury, negligent driving, libel etc. What this wrong is called?
(a) Tort
(b) Damage
(c) Special wrong
(d) Minor wrong

Answer – a

82. What is called a person who holds or
administers property in a trust for another or
(a) Appointee
(b) Receiver
(c) Liquidator
(d) Trustee

Answer – d

83. __ means any person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made
(a) Government Pleader
(b) Judge
(c) Judgment
(d) Judgment-debtor

Answer – d

84. Under first proviso of Section 497 Cr. P.C., the Court may grant bail to any person under age of:
(a) 16 years
(b) 17 years
(c) 18 years
(d) 19 years

Answer – a

85. Section 190 of the Criminal Procedure code deals with the:
(a) First information report.
(b) A report under Section 173, Cr. P.C
(c) Private complaint to the Magistrate

Answer – c

86. Section 249-A of the code of Criminal Procedure given powers to acquit the accused at any stage of the proceeding by:
(a) The High Court
(b) The Supreme Court
(c) The Magistrate
(d) The Civil Judge

Answer – c

87. Electoral right means the right of a person:
(a) To stand as a candidate
(b) Not to stand as candidate
(c) Do note/not to note in an election
(d) All of the above

Answer – d

88. A Voluntarily bums a valuable securitybelonging to Z intending to cause wrongful loss to Z. A has committed:
(a) Theft
(b) Dacoity
(c) Mischief
(d) Cheating

Answer – c

89. A person is said to commit house breaking by night when he commits house breaking:
(a) After 2 pm before 4 am.
(b) After sunset and before sunrise
(c) After 7 pm and.before sunrise.
(d) After sunset and before 4 am.

Answer – b

90. ___ means a person who in law represents the estate of a deceased person, and includes any person who intermeddles with the estate of the deceased and where a party sues or is sued in a representative character the person on whom the estate devolves on the death of the party so suing or sued
(a) Legal representative
(b) Mesne profits
(c) Movable property
(d) Order

Answer – a

91. __ of property means those profits which the person in wrongful profession of such property actually received or might with ordinary diligence have received therefrom, together with interest on such profits but shall not include profits due to improvements made by the person in wrongful possession
(a) Legal representative
(b) Mesne profits
(c) Movable property
(d) Order

Answer – b

92. ___ means the formal expression of any decision of a civil Court which is not a decree
(a) Legal representative
(b) Mesne profits
(c) Movable property
(d) Order

Answer – d

93. Chapter XVII of Cr. P.C. is:
(a) Of the commencement of proceedings before courts
(b) Of inquiry into cases tri-able by the court of session or High Court
(c) Of the trial of cases by Magistrate
(d) Of the trial of warrant-cases by magisrates

Answer – a

94. In case where accused or any of the accused does not adduce any evidence in his_ defence, the Court shall, on the close of the prosecution case call upon the ___ to sum up his case in the first instance:
(a) Accused
(b) Prosecutor
(c) Defence counsel

Answer – a

95. Offence of Qatl-e-Amad can be compounded by the:
(a) Heirs of the victim
(b) Complainant.
(c) Witnesses.

Answer – a

96. A court of Additional Session Judge passed a sentence of 20 days. The convict may file appeal before:
(a) Session Judge
(b) High Court
(c) None of the said Courts

Answer – c

97. A person aggrieved by order of acquittal passed by any court other than High Court may file an appeal against the said order within:
(a) 20 days
(b) 30 days
(c) 90 days

Answer – b

98. Where no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend, the amount of fine to which, the offender is liable:
(a) Under 50,000
(b) Unlimited
(c) Unlimited but shall not be excessive
(d) Settled between parties.

Answer – c

99. Attempt to commit suicide is:
(a) Not punishable at all.
(b) Is punishable with simple imprisonment of 3 months or with fine or witti both.
(c) Is punishable with imprisonment of 6 months or with fine or with both.
(d) Is punishable with imprisonment of one year or with fine or with both

Answer – d

100.Which of these is not the kind of Shallah:
(a) Mudihah
(b) Manaqillah
(c) Badiah
(d) Ammah

Answer – c