81. The name of the statute relating to criminal proceedings in Pakistan is:
(a) Cr. P.C.
(b) Criminal Procedure Code.
(c) The Code of Criminal Procedure
(d) None of these

82. Which of the following can perform the duties of an SHO?
(a) Sub-Inspector.
(b) Any Officer up to the rank of Inspector General.
(c) Any Officer above the rank of Constable
(d) Police Inspector

83. Which bail bond is accompanied by an affidavit?
(a) Bail before arrest
(b) Bail after arrest.
(c) Bail in bail-able cases.
(d) None of these

84. An indifferent person between the parties, appo1nted by the court to receive rents mco~es and p~ofits of lands or other things in question, pending the suit, where it does not
or when a party is incompetent to do so. Such a person 1s called:
(a) Trustee
(b) Beneficiary
(c) Receiver
(d) Bailiff

85. That, which affords grounds for civil action only, if it causes special damage is:
(a) Nuisance
(b) Injunction
(c) Restraining breach
(d) Trade mark

86. Civil Procedure Code:
(a) Does not apply to Revenue Courts
(b) Applies to the Revenue Courts by Notificat1on of the provincial Government
(c) According to the consent of the parties.
(d) None of these

87. !he subsequent suit in which the matter in issue is also directly and substantially in issue in a previously instituted suit between the same parties:
(a) Its trial would be stayed
(b) The plaint would be rejected
(c) Plaint would be returned
(d) None of these

88. A District Judge on the application by any of the parties:
(a) Cannot refuse to transfer the appeal pending m the Court of Additional District Judge.
(b) Can Transfer the same for trial to any other Additional district Judge.
(c) Must refer the application· to the High Court
(d) None of these

89. The correct procedure for the inspection of the court file is:
(c) To submit an application before the Presiding Officer
(d) None of these

90. Search of place shall be made in the presence of:
(a) Occupant of place.
(b) A Police Officer.
(c) Two witnesses of the locality
(d) None of these

91 . Offence means:
(a) Decree
(b) An act or omission liable to punishment
(c) A complaint of act under the cattle Trespass Act 1871 .
(d) None of these

92. Sub-division means a sub-division of a district:
(a) Public Prosecutor
(b) Sub-division
(c) Pleader
(d) Police Station

93. Without exposing the bone of the victim the accused is said to cause: ‘
(a) Shajjah-i-Damigha.
(b) Shajjah-i-Mustiqlah.
(c) Cause Shajjah-i-Khaflfah’
(d) None of these

94. After the Decree has been announced the decree sheet is prepared by: ‘
(a) The Presiding Officer himself.
(b) The Reader of the Court
(c) The Ahlmad of the Court.
(d) None of these

95. An injunction which is granted while a suit is actually pending and its object is to preserve the property is dispute in “status-quo”, until the hearing of the suit or until further order is called:
(a) Interlocutory injunction
(b) Perpetual injunction
(c) Mandatory injunction
(d) Discretionary injunction

96. If the nuisance is legalized by statute then·
(a) Action will lie
(b) No action will lie
(c) It cannot be legalized
(d) A & B

97. When there is no fixed fine, Special Court shall fix the fine on the basis of
(a) Quality and quantity of the narcotic drug
(b) involved in commission of such offence Psychotropic substance involved in commission of such offence
(c) Controlled substance involved in commission of such offence
(d) All of above

98. Where the Special Court finds a person guilty of an offence punishable under this Act and sentences him to imprisonment for a term exceeding three years, the Court shall also order that his assets derivable from trafficking in narcotic substances shall stand forfeited to the:
(a) Federal Government
(b) Provincial Government
(c) All of above
(d) None of these

99. Who has authority to export narcotic drugs from Pakistan?
(a) Muslims only
(b) No one
(c) Every one
(d) Citizen of Pakistan


100. Qisas for qatl-i-amad shall not be enforced
(a) When the offender dies before the enforcement of the Qisas
(b) When the offender punished with Tazir
(c) When the offender has close relation with the victim
(d) None of these