Held by – FPSC

1. A person climbing a hill bends forward in order to:
(A) Avoid slipping
(B) Increase speed
(C) Reduce fatigue
(D) Increase stability

Option D

2. On earth a moving body ordinarily comes to rest by Itself because of the
(A) Law of inertia
(B) Forces of friction
(C) Conservation of momentum
(D) Gravity

Option B

3. When the door of an operating refrigerator is opened the temperature of the room will
(A) Decrease
(B) Remain unchanged
(C) Fall down immediately
(D) Increase

Answer – D
4. An electric motor is used to convert
(A) Electrical energy into mechanical energy
(B) Mechanical energy into kinetic energy
(C) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
(D) All of the above

Option A

5. The human blood is divided into
(A) Four groups
(B) Three groups
(C) Two groups
(D) Five groups

Option A

6. Which type of blood of individuals are known as universal donor.
(A) Type A
(B) Type B
(C) Type AB
(D) Type 0

Option D

7. Which type of blood of individuals are universal recipients.
(A) Type A
(B) Type A, B
(C) Type B
(D) Type 0

Option B

8. A man can survive without food for at least
(A) One month
(B) Two months
(C) Three months
(D) Four months

Option A

9. Air Is completely removed from an electric bulb to prevent
(A) Oxidation of tungsten filament
(B) Bursting of the bulb
(C) Loss of light due to absorption
(D) None of the above

Option A

10. The muscles, tissues and blood all are made up of:
(A) Proteins
(B) Carbohydrates
(C) Vitamins
(D) Fats

Option A

11. One gram of carbohydrates gives energy of the amount:
(A) 2 K Calories
(B) 4.1 K Calories
(C) 6.3 K Calories
(D) 8.0 K Calories

Option B

12. What amount of fats gives energy of 9.3 K Calories?
(A) 0.5 gram
(B) 1.0 gram
(C) 2.0 gram
(D) None of these

Option B

13. What does make the blood look red?
(A) Red corpuscles
(B) Haemoglobin
(C) Plasma
(D) None of these

Option B

14. Convex lenses are used for the correction of:
(A) Astigmatism
(B) Short sightedness
(C) Cataract
(D) Long sightedness

Option D

15. Penicillin, an antibiotic, is obtained from a
(A) Fungus
(B) Flowering plant
(C) Virus
(D) Bacterium

Option A

16. Anemia is because of deficiency of:
(A) Iron
(B) B12
(C) Follc acid
(D) All of these

Option D

17. Which one of the following is heredity disease?
(A) Polio
(B) Cholera
(C) Typhoid
(D) Haemophilia

Option D

18. Deficiency of Iron in the human body causes
(A) Goitre
(B) Trachoma
(C) Anemia
(D) Glaucoma

Option C

19. Disease not related to lung malfunctioning is
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Anemia
(C) Pneumonia
(D) Pleurisy

Option B

20. Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes?
(A) All of these
(B) Headache
(C) Dairrhea
(D) Muscular cramps

Option A