61. Mi-5 Is the intelligence agency of:
(A) United States
(B) United Kingdom
(C) Israel
(D) France
Answer – B
62. Taksim Square is in:
(A) Cairo
(B) Istanbul
(C) Dammam
(D) Beirut
Answer – B
63. Anything which Is prohibited by law Is called:
(A) Irregular
(B) Immoral
(C) Illegal
(D) Unreliable
Answer – C
64. Al Jazeera TV channel belongs to:
(A) Qatar
(B) Kuwait
(C) Egypt
(D) Bahrain
Answer – A
65. NATO Is an alliance.
(A) Regional
(B) Economic
(C) Military
(D) Political
Answer – C
66. The UN was founded In:
(A) 1944
(B) 1945
(C) 1946
(D) 1949
Answer – B
67. The system of Jail was Introduced by:
(A) Hazrat Usman Ghanl (RA)
(B) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA)
(C) Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)
(D) Hazrat Ali Murtaza (RA)
Answer – C
68. At night time plants and trees release?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) CO
(D) None of these
Answer – B
69. Acid is neuteialized by?
(A) Alkali
(B) Salt
(C) Chloride
(D) None
Answer – D
70. In human body the red blood cells are
(A) Oxygen carries
(B) to fight against infections
(C) to help in digestion
(D) None of these
Answer – A
71. Which gas is used in balloons?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Helium
(C) Hydrogen
(D) None of these
Answer – B
72. The process in which the leaves absorb sunlight and use the energy to synthesize carbohydrate from and water is called?
(A) Oxygenation
(B) Photosysithesis
(C) Hybrid regeneration
(D) None of these
Answer – B
73. What is peanut?
(A) Leaf
(B) Stem
(C) Rose
(D) None of these
Answer – D
74. Law of gravity was given by?
(A) Newton
(B) Dalton
(C) Einstein
(D) None of these
Answer – A
75. The weathers on the earth are changed with
rotation of earth around?
(A) Sun revolution of sun
(B) Its axis earth rotation its axis
(C) Both (a & (b)
(D) Revolution of the Earth
Answer – D
76. Cultivation of rice needs?
(A) Plenty of water
(B) Low quantity of water
(C) Medium level of water
(D) None
Answer – A
77. Wheat In Punjab Is reaped In the month of?
(A) June
(B) July
(C) May
(D) None
Answer – C
78. At the peaks of high mountains the boiling
temperature of water?
(A) Increase
(B) decrease
(C) do not change
(D) None
Answer – B
79. What Is HCL?
(A) An Alkali base
(B) Acid
(C) Neutral
(D) None
Answer – B
80. Who same the Idea of law of Inertia?
(A) Dalton
(B) Newton
(C) Michael
(D) None
Answer – B