41. Steve Jobs earned fame during his
association with:
(A) Intel
(B) Dell
(C) Micro-Soft
(D) Apple
42. A stock which is highly in demand being a low
risk investment is called:
(A) Blue eyed
(B) Red share
(C) Blue Chip
(D) Uncle’s choice
43. Illegal commercial activities which go in
recorded are termed as:
(A) Parallel Economy
(B) Bad business
(C) Dark trading
(D) Black Economy
44. The fall in the value of an asset is:
(A) Depression
(B) Deterioration
(C) Depreciation
(D) Degeneration
45. “Euclid” was an ancient Greek:
(A) Dramatist
(B) General
(C) Geometer
(D) Spiritual leader
46. Who inaugurated the Protestant Reformation
in the Christianity?
(A) Martin Luther
(D) Edward Jenner
(C) Francis Bacon
(D) William Harvey
47. “Dum Dum lntemational Airport is in.
(A) Amsterdam
(B) Calcutta
(C) Rangun
(D) Bangkok
48. The legendry painting “Mona Lisa• is the
creation of:
(A) Pablo Picasso
(B) Leonardo de Seprio
(C) Florence Nightingale
(D) Leonardo de Vinci
49. What is the effect of “Deficit Financing on
(A) Recession
(B) Depression
(C) Deflation
(D) Inflation
50. The Communist Revolution of Russia took
place in:
(A) 1905
(B) 1917
(C) 1939
(D) 1945
51 . “Almamater” means:
(A) Sports complex
(B) Film Studios
(C) One’s ancestral graveyard
(D) One’s college or University
52. “Suez Canal” connects two seas: which are:
(A) Read Sea and Black Sea
(B) Mediterranean and Red Sea
(C) Dead Sea and Arabian sea
(D) Atlantic with Pacific
53. “Scotland Yard” is the Police Department of:
(A) Germany
(B) America
(C) Spain
(D) England
54. The founder of “Scout” movement was:
(A) Lord Beden Powel
(B) J.N. Dexit
(C) P.N. Haksar
(D) None
55. The country which Introduced competitive examinations for the selection of Public Servants, for the first time, was
(A) U.K
(B) US.A
(C) China
(D) Japan
56. The Printing Press was invented by:
(A) Thomas Edison
(B) Johann Guttenberg
(C) Alexander Graham Bell
(D) John Calvin
57. A “Hector” is equal to
(A) 1.5 Acres
(B) 2.47 Acres
(C) 5 Acres
(D) 10 Acres
58. Peter Drucker Is considered to be the “guru
(A) Architecture
(B) Development Economics
(C) Management
(D) Movie Making
59. How many stages of development have been
indicated by Rostou?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
60. Famous English Novel “Tale of two cities” was
written by:
(A) John Dalton
(B) Francis Bacon
(C) Thomas Hardy
(D) Charles Dickens