Famous Battles MCQs and Quiz

1. Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori?
A. Second Battle of Tarain
B. First Battle of Panipat
C. Battle of Khanwa
D. First Battle of Tarain


3. In which of the following years, the Battle of Buxar was fought?
A. 1757
B. 1767
C. 1764
D. 1762


4. The battle of Dharmat was fought between?
A. Babur and Afghans
B. Muhammad Ghori and Jai Chand
C. Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas
D. Aurangzeb and Dara Shikoh


5. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ________in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526?
A. Akbar
B. Babar
C. Jhangir
D. Iltumish


6. Which of these battle proved decisive between the Anglo-French rivalry in India?
A. Battle of Wandiwash
B. Battle of Assaye
C. Battle of Chillianwala
D. Battle of Seringa Patam


7. The Battle of Halani was fought in___________?
A. 1712
B. 1748
C. 1762
D. 1782


8. Third battle of Panipat began on _________.
A. January 14, 1761
B. January 14, 1762
C. January 14, 1763
D. January 14, 1764


9. Second battle of Panipat began on _________.
A. November 5, 1554
B. November 5, 1555
C. November 5, 1556
D. November 5, 1557


10. First battle of Panipat began on _________.
A. April 21, 1524
B. April 21, 1525
C. April 21, 1526
D. April 21, 1527