She said, "Do not let him in." She told me not to let him in. She asked me not to let him in. She told me not to let her in. She told me that not to let him in. None He said, "The horse died in the night". He said the horse had died in the night. He said that the horse had died in the night. He said that the horse died in the night. He said that the horse has died in the night. None He told her, "Give me the key". He asked her to give him the key. She asked her to give him the key. He told her to give him the key. He asked him to give him the key. None He said to him, "Is not your name Ahmad?" He asked whether his name was not Ahmad He enquired whether his name was not Ahmad He said if his name was not Ahmad. He told whether his name was not Ahmad. None He said, "I shall go as soon as possible". He said that he would go as soon as it was possible. He said that he would go as soon as possible. He said he would go as soon as it was possible. He said that he will go as soon as it was possible. None Time's up Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10