CSS Political Science Paper 2015 Solved MCQs 1. Islam was declared as State Religion in Pakistan‘s Constitution of: A. 1985 B. None of these C. 1962 D. 1973 2. The Supreme Court of Pakistan comprises: A. 11 Judges B. 12 Judges C. None of these D. 9 Judges 3. The title ―Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity‖ was given to Mr. Jinnah by: A. None of these B. Allama Iqbal C. Sarojini Naidu D. Mustafa Kamal 4. The first document of English liberties ―Magma Carta‖ was signed by King John in: A. 1215 B. None of these C. 1688 D. 1649 5. The first government of USA was based on article of: A. None of these B. Confederation C. Federation D. Unitary State 6. The first American President was: A. George Washington B. James Madison C. None of these D. Abraham Lincoln 7. The House of Lords is predominantly: A. None of these B. Appointed C. Elected D. Hereditary 8. Turkish Government is: A. Monarchical B. Dictatorial C. None of these D. Democratic 9. Eighth Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan was adopted in: A. 1986 B. None of these C. 1987 D. 1985 10. People‘s Republic of China was established in: A. 1949 B. None of these C. 1950 D. 1951 Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2