CSS Political Science Paper 2012 Solved MCQs 1. Anarchism is the extrerhe left wing of Socialism. It was first expounded as political doctrine by: A. Prince Kropotkin B. William Godwin C. None of these D. Proudhon 2. Al-Farabi by birth was:- A. Turk B. Afghani C. Irani D. None of these 3. According to Aristotle the end of State is:- A. Logical B. None of these C. Legal D. Ethical 4. The term, "anarchism" has been derived from and word 'anarchia' which is basically a: A. Greek word B. Latin word C. None of these D. French word 5. Iqtisad-Fil-Itiqad" was written by: A. AI-Farabi B. AI-Ghazali C. Al-Mawardi D. None of these 6. Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of: A. Imam Shafi B. Imam Abu Hanifa C. Imam Malik D. None of these 7. Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at: A. None of these B. London C. Paris D. Geneva 8. According to John Locke, the best form of Government is: A. Monarchy B. Aristocracy C. None of these D. Democracy 9. SiyaSat Namahr" was written by: A. None of these B. AI-Ghazali C. Ibn-Khaldun D. Nizam-ul-Mulk 10. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)" Was written by: A. None of these B. J.S. Mill C. Jeremy Bentham D. John Locke Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2