CSS Political Science Paper 2011 Solved MCQs

1. Who was called the ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity?

2. Who was named the first leader of the opposition in Ayub Khan‘s constituted first national assembly?

3. The last Speaker of the National Assembly during Ayub‘s government was:

4. Who was the architect of the Luckhnow Pact of 1916, between Congress and Muslim League?

5. Who was the mover of the Lahore Resolution of 1940?

6. Who is the author of the book, ‗Friends not master‘?

7. Who is the author of the famous book, The Spirit of Islam?

8. Who was the President of US during the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962?

9. Who was the prime minister of India during the 1965 war between Pakistan and India?

10. Myth of Independence‖ was written by: