IR 2000

1. Politics Among Nations was written by:

2. Pamila Parker is:

3. INF Treaty was signed in:

4. Fidel Castro became Cuban Prime Minister in:

5. Afghan Mujahideen took power in Kabul on:

6. Yalta Conference was held in:

7. Americans are going to elect in 2024:

8. Soviet Union was disintegrated on:

9. Saile Brakat is:

10. Abdul Kalam is/was:

11. OIC was formed in:

12. SEATO was formed in:

13. NAM was formed in:

14. Congress of Vienna took place in:

15. Trygve Lie was:

16. Nosterdamus was:

17. The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in:

18. NATO was formed in:

19. Alma Atta was the Capital of:

20. U Thant was: