Paper II IR 1997 1. The Batista regime in Cuba was overthrown by Fidel Castro in: A. February 1960 B. January 1959 C. May 1961 D. March 1962 2. Bill Clinton was the: A. 44th president of USA B. 43th president of USA C. 42th president of USA D. 40th president of USA 3. Tony Blair was the: A. President of International Monetary Fund B. Captain of Australian hockey team C. New ruler of Rwanda D. New Prime Minister of Great Britain 4. OSCE stands for: A. Organization of Social and Scientific Enterprise B. Organization for Security and Cooperation Europe C. Organization for Science and Culture in Europe D. Organization for space cooperation in Europe 5. The republic of Botswana is located in: A. Southern Africa B. West Africa C. Latin America D. Central Asia 6. The last British Governor of Hong Kong was? A. George Patten B. Chris Hamilton C. Christopher Paterson D. Chris Patten 7. Dushanbe is the capital of: A. Turkmenistan B. Uzbekistan C. Kazakhstan D. Tajikistan 8. The largest territorial power on earth is: A. China B. Russian Federation C. USA D. Canada 9. Larry Collins and Dominique La Pierre wrote: A. Freedom at What Price? B. India Wins Freedom C. The Discovery of India D. Freedom at Mid Night 10. Kofi Anan was/is the: A. Winner of Nobel Peace Prize for 1996 B. President of Mozambique C. Secretary General of the UN D. Chairman of the Organization of African Unity Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2 3 4