IR 1994 1. How many times Brazil has won the Football World Cup? A. Five times B. Thrice C. Four times D. Once 2. Mashood Abiola is: A. Secretary General of the Arab League B. A leader of PLP C. A fictional character D. Nigerian Opposition Leader 3. Durand Line came into existence in: A. 1893 B. 1900 C. 1979 D. 1947 4. G-15 is: A. A group of industrialized countries B. A musical group C. A group of Third World countries D. A military alliance 5. British Commonwealth consists of: A. 60 members B. 45 members C. 54 members D. 39 members 6. Riga is the capital of: A. Bolivia B. Rawanda C. Latvia D. Mongolia 7. Trygve Lie was the: A. Judge of the ICJ B. Secretary General of NATO C. Hollywood Actor D. Secretary General of the UN 8. Lesotho is: A. A Baltic republic B. An independent state of Latin America C. An independent state of Africa D. An NGO 9. Silkworm is: A. The name of a multinational B. A secret society C. An ancient trade route D. The name of missile 10. Who is the author of ―The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers‖? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Richard Nixon C. Henry Kissinger D. Paul Kennedy Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2