CSS General Science and Ability Paper 2014 Solved MCQs 1. What is Hubble Classification? A. Classification of stars B. Classification of earth's zones C. Classification of planets D. Classification of galaxies 2. Flesh eaters are called: A. Carnivores B. Omnivores C. Herbivores D. Scavengers 3. Why some nebulae shine? A. due to burning process B. because they reflect light C. because they contain bright stars D. because they emit light 4. Important ingredient used in vicks vapor rub is obtained from the plant: A. All of these B. Curaima longa C. cinamomum zelamicum D. Cinamomum camphora 5. What are cyclones? A. Sudden heavy floods B. Violent wind and rain C. Heavy showers D. No rain for a long period 6. Chromosomes are made up of: A. DNA only B. DNA & RNA C. DNA, RNA & Proteins only D. Proteins only 7. A 'clinical death' takes place when: A. There is no pulse B. All of above C. There is no heart beat D. Pupils are fixed and dilated and there is no reaction to light 8. Plants can be made disease resistant by: A. Colchicines treatment B. Heat Treatment C. Heat Treatment D. Breeding with their wild relatives 9. The process by which small amount of impurities is added into a semiconductor is called: A. Doping B. Insulating C. Addition D. Conduction 10. he sharp-bitter taste of saripe fruits is due to high concentration of: A. Organic acids B. Volatile compounds C. Phenolic compounds D. Starch 11. A shooting star is A. An asteroid B. A meteor C. Sun D. A comet 12. The use of antibiotic is a very effective way of killing disease causing bacteria. Sometime people don't finish all of their pills. This can result in: A. Production of more bacteria B. Some bacteria left unkilled C. Bacteria becoming sensitive to antibiotics D. Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics 13. Who was the first Muslim mathematician who used "Zero: A. Ibn Rushd B. Ibn al-Haytham C. Al Khwarizmi D. Ahmad ibn al-Baitar 14. Omar Khayyam was A. Astronomer B. All of these C. Mathematician D. Poet 15. Which of the following is a semiconductor? A. Amphibian B. Silver C. Mercury D. Magnesium 16. From ecological point of view human beings are taken as: A. All of these B. Producers C. Decomposers D. Consumers 17. Which of the following is both endocrine and exocrine gland? A. Thyroid B. Parathyroid C. Pancreas D. All of these 18. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the: A. Rotation of earth on its axis B. Rotation of earth around the sun C. Movement of the sun D. Shape of earth 19. The major cause of land pollution is: A. All of these B. Insecticides C. Chemical fertilizers D. Pesticides 20. The echo of Big Bang can be heard in the form of: A. Gamma rays B. Microwave radio signals C. Cosmic rays D. Infrared radiations Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz