CSS Current Affairs Paper 2022 MCQs Solved

1) The book “Pakistan – A Hard Country” was written by:
(a) Anatol Lieven
(b) Daniel Markey
(c) Ian Talbot
(d) None of these


2) The book “Great Illusion” was written by:
(a) Friedrich Engels
(b) Norman Angell
(c) Lillian Angel
(d) None of these


3) The book “No Higher Honor” is written by:
(a) Colin Luther Powell
(b) Barack Hussein Obama
(c) Condoleezza Rice
(d) None of these


4) The book “Sapiens” is written by:
(a) Crispin Bates
(b) Yousef Hariri
(c) Yuval Noah Harari
(d) None of these


5) Article ______ constitution of Pakistan deals with “Vote of No Confidence Against Prime Minister”?
(a) Article 95
(b) Article 96
(c) Article 97
(d) None of these


6) Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC was held in Islamabad in March 2022.
(a) 47th
(b) 48th
(c) 49th
(d) None of these


7) Mariupol is the name of a city of?
(a) Russia
(b) Poland
(c) Ukraine
(d) None of these


8) Kautilya was the chief advisor of?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Alexander the Great
(c) Prithviraj Chauhan
(d) None of these


9) CIS is a regional organization situated in:
(a) Far East
(b) Central East
(c) Middle East
(d) None of these


10) Name of present Chinese Foreign Minister is:
(a) Wang Yi
(b) Yeo Jing
(c) Wong Rong
(d) None of these