CSS Current Affairs Paper 2011 MCQs Solved

Current Affairs 2011

1. How many official working language are recognized by UNO?

2. Mirani Dam Exist in:

3. On the map of the world which country appears as long shoe?

4. Hajj Scam 2010 struck a blow to

5. The world highest Mountain is in

6. The permanent established at:

7. The founder of wikileaks scam belongs to:

8. AFPAK policy was announced in:

9. The Rio conference on sustainable development was convinced in:

10. Ship mounted energy project (activated in Pakistan: 2010) is sponsored by:

11. Asian Development Bank was established in

12. Who was the special representative of USA for Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs?

13. Which of the following is the largest emitter of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

14. World Trade Organization was established in:

15. Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-aligned Movement?

16. The Headquarter of Red Cross is in:

17. There are how many non-permanent members of Security Council?

18. Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on the river:

19. The first UN conference on sustainable development happened in:

20. Pakistan has become non-permanent member of Security Council for:

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