CSS Composition Paper 2015 Solved MCQs P&C 2015 1. Antonym of SPENDING is: A. Revenue B. Mute C. Sober D. Spendthrift 2. Synonym of Contingent is: A. Argued B. Rejected C. Questionable D. Conditional 3. Synonym of Pungent is: A. Smoky B. Sharp C. Anesthetizing D. Disagreeable 4. Synonym of Flagrant is: A. Clerical B. Glaring C. Common D. Expensive 5. Synonym of Fiduciary is: A. Attorney B. Trustee C. Assistant D. Notary 6. Synonym of Prognosis is: A. Offering B. Warning C. Advance D. Prediction 7. Antonym of PRAISE is: A. Censure B. Skip C. Acclaim D. Tickle 8. Antonym of CLUMSY is: A. Inept B. Foolish C. Infer D. Dexterous 9. Antonym of COWARDLY is: A. Brave B. Intrepidly C. Poor D. Ignorant 10. Antonym of LAUDED is: A. Applaud B. Disparage C. Settle D. Hesitate 11. Antonym of IRREGULAR is: A. Enticing B. Difficult C. Erratic D. Prevailing 12. Synonym of Averse is: A. Willing B. Unresponsive C. Reluctant D. Eager 13. Antonym of VETERAN is: A. Pious B. Novice C. Debutante D. Intellectual 14. Antonym of IMPORTANT is: A. Wavy B. Clear C. Trivial D. Turning 15. Synonym of Astute is: A. Shrewd B. Tedious C. Illogical D. Aggressive 16. Antonym of NEGLECT is: A. Mistake B. Destroy C. Nourish D. Omit 17. Synonym of Imminent is: A. Impending B. Important C. Inopportune D. historical 18. Synonym of Poignant is: A. Sorrowful B. Intense C. Precious D. Tender 19. Synonym of Philandering is: A. Wandering B. Play around C. Exaggerating D. Spending 20. Antonym of CONFUSE is: A. Lucid B. Muddle C. Extraordinary D. Dirty Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz