CSS IR Paper 2021 Solved MCQs IR 1999 1. Uneasy Partnership competition and conflict in US – Japanese Trade Relationship‖ is written by: A. John White B. John K. Holsti C. Stephen D. Gohen D. J. K. Galbraith 2. Who wrote ―Voyage Through History‖? A. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi B. Musarrt Hussain Zuberi C. Khalid Bin Sayeed D. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali 3. Shive Sena is the name of: A. A famous tourist resort B. A politico-fundamentalist party C. A religious sect D. An Irish Leader 4. Iraq Invaded Kuwait in: A. November 1988 B. April 1982 C. February 1991 D. August 1990 5. The notorious genocide of 1996 in Africa took place between: A. Hutu and Tutsi B. Zulus and the whites C. Serbs and Bosnians D. Ibos and Yorubas 6. Mobotu Sessesiko was overthrown by: A. Laurent Kabila B. Robert Mugabe C. Nelson Mandela D. Kenneth Kaunda 7. B. J. Habibie was the: A. President of Indonesia B. President of Zambia C. Secretary General of SAARC D. World Squash Champion 8. NAFTA stands for A. North America free trade association. B. North America free trade agreement. C. North America free trade area. D. None of these 9. Pakistan carried out its nuclear explosion on: A. 7th April B. 16th October C. 28th May D. 23rd March 10. MS Mieko Nishimizu was the: A. Chairperson of the UN Commission on Refugees B. President of the IMF C. Vice President of the World Bank D. Human Right Activist Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2 3