CSS IR Paper 2008 Solved MCQs

IR 2005

1. Scandinavia constitutes:

2. The Gulf Cooperation Council consists of:

3. The treaty of Versailles concluded in:

4. Arab Magrib Union consists of:

5. Article 55 of the UN Charter promotes international:

6. The principal organs of United Nations are:

7. Which treaty served as an umbrella for US involvement in Vietnam war:

8. The first world war started on:

9. The Chinese communist party was founded in:

10. The Common Wealth of Australia came into existence in:

11. After 27 years of imprisonment, Mr. Nelson Mandela was released in:

12. Politics among Nations" was written by:

13. The main judicial arm of UN, the 1CJ is located in:

14. Soviet Union was replaced by Russian federation in:

15. The Balkan Peninsula is located in:

16. The second world war started in:

17. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed on:

18. The league of Arab States was established on:

19. The treaty of Westphalia established modern nation states system in:

20. Karl Mark and Engels presented the Communist Manifesto in: