31. Birds get thrust (forward motion and lift (upward motion) from:
(a) Twisting of feathers
(b) Flapping of wings
(c) Twisting of feathers
(d) Shape of wings which is similar to aeroplane blades
32. The mammal which lays eggs is:
(a) Bat
(b) Squirrel
(c) Kangaroo
(d) Duckbilled Platypus
33. Hormones are normally absent in:
(a) Rat
(b) Monkey
(c) Bacteria
(d) Cat
34. The blood sucking organisms are:
(a) Hookworms
(b) Earthworms
(c) Leeches
(d) Pin worms
35. From which stage of silkmoth is silk obtained?
(a) Caterpillar
(b) Pupa
(c) Cocoon
(d) Adult
36. The gestation period of cows is:
(a) 150 days
(b) 280 days
(c) 300 days
(d) 365 days
37. The human Immuno deficiency virus (HIV) is a living entity because it can:
(a) Move from one cell to another
(b) Undergo auto reproduction
(c) Disturb host cell respiration
(d) Excrete in human sperm
38. A reptile with a four chambered heart is:
(a) Crocodile
(b) Turtle
(c) Snake
(d) Lizard
39. Animal semen for breeding of animals remains fertile for a long time at:
(a) 37°C
(b) 4°C
(c) -4°C
(d) -196°C
40. The only snake that builds a nest is:
(a) Krait
(b) King cobra
(c) Chain viper
(d) Saw-scaled viper