21. The structure in a cell nucleus that carries the genes is known as:
(a) Enzymes
(b) Chromosome
(c) Genetics
(d) Saliva


22. Each chromosome consists of one very long strand that is coiled and folded to produce a compact body. By which substance is this thread made?
(a) DNA
(b) RNA
(c) CNN
(d) DNA


23. The point on a chromosome where a particular gene occurs is known as a locus. How many chromosomes are there in a normal human cell?
(a) 46
(b) 42
(c) 36
(d) 64


24. Which organ responds to the vibrations that constitute sound, and these are transmitted into nerve signals and passed to the brain?
(a) Eye brows
(b) Ear
(c) Eye balls
(d) Inner Ear


25. Which biological catalysts are produced in cells that are capable of speeding up the chemical reactions necessary for life by converting one molecule into another?
(a) Enzymes
(b) Gallstone
(c) Hormones
(d) Bone marrow


26. Eye is the organ of vision. In the human eye, the light is focused by the combined action of three phenomena. Name them?
(a) Eye ball, lens, and Internal fluids
(b) Curved cornea, retina, Internal fluids
(c) Curved cornea, lens, Internal fluids
(d) Curved cornea, lens, Internal retina


27. Light enters the eye through the cornea and passes through the circular opening (pupil) in the iris (colored part of the eye). What is called the back part of the eye where the images of objects at different distances are focused and is packed with light-sensitive cells (rod and cones) which are connected to the brain by the optic nerve?
(a) Eyeball
(b) Back ball
(c) Part of nervous system
(d) Part of digestive system


28. Which part of the body is situated on the underside of the liver and connected to the small intestine by the bile duct?
(a) Gall bladder
(b) Lining
(c) Bile liquid
(d) Gallstone


29. What are called pebble-like, insoluble accumulations that are formed in the human gall bladder or bile ducts by cholesterol or calcium salts present in bile?
(a) Gall bile
(b) Gallstones
(c) Bile liquid
(d) Stones


30. What is the function of the gall bladder?
(a) Part of nervous system
(b) Part of digestive system
(c) Part of circulatory system
(d) Part of respiratory system