11. Bone is the hard connective tissue comprising the skeleton. It is composed of Collagen fiber (protein) filled with mineral salts. Which of the following is/are major salts in the bone?
(a) Calcium phosphate
(b) Calcium carbonate
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them


12. What is enclosed within bone?
(a) Bone cells
(b) Blood vessels
(c) Nerves
(d) All of these


13. Which substance is found inside the cavity of bones?
(a) Bone marrow
(b) Red blood cells
(c) White blood cells
(d) Plasma


14. In early life, bone marrow produces red blood cells, but later on, by which substance does its color change from red to yellow?
(a) Calcium
(b) Accumulation of lipids (fat)
(c) Phosphate
(d) Bile


15. Name the part of the body that is a mass of interconnected nerve cells forming the earlier part of the central nervous system, whose activities it coordinates and controls?
(a) Nervous system
(b) Skull
(c) Cerebrum
(d) Brain


16. The brain is contained by the skull, which part of the brain contains centers for the control of respiration, heart beat rate and strength, and blood pressure?
(a) Medulla
(b) Medulla oblongata
(c) Cerebrum
(d) Cerebellum


17. Overlying the medulla oblongata is the cerebellum. What is its function?
(a) Retain memory
(b) Control thinking
(c) Coordinating complex muscular processes
(d) Control eye movements


18. What is the source of energy for the human brain?
(a) Fats
(b) Proteins
(c) Hormones
(d) Glucose


19. Which part of the brain is connected with thinking?
(a) Medulla
(b) Cerebellum
(c) Both of them
(d) None of these


20. What is cholesterol?
(a) White, crystalline sterol found in kidneys
(b) White, crystalline sterol found in the heart
(c) White, crystalline sterol found in the backbone
(d) White, crystalline sterol found throughout the body