Human Body MCQs and Quiz

1. Through which tube does food pass, extending from the mouth to the anus?
(a) Alimentary canal
(b) Root canal
(c) Back canal
(d) Basic canal


2. In human adults, the alimentary canal is about 9m long, consisting of mouth cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. Why is this complex organ adapted?
(a) For respiration
(b) For blood circulation
(c) For digestion
(d) None of them


3. Name the vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body, which is built to withstand considerable pressure, having thick walls with smooth muscle fibers?
(a) Vein
(b) Artery
(c) Pharynx
(d) Pulmonary


4. Where is the brownish alkaline fluid, called bile, produced?
(a) Stomach
(b) Liver
(c) Ear
(d) Kidneys


5. Where is bile stored and intermittently released into the small intestine (duodenum) to aid digestion?
(a) Kidney
(b) Liver
(c) Heart
(d) Gall bladder


6. Bile consists of bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, and lecithin. Bile pigments are the breakdown products of old red blood cells that are passed into the gut to be eliminated with the feces. What assistance is provided by the bile salts?
(a) Breakdown of fats
(b) Absorption of fats
(c) Breakdown and absorption of fats
(d) Manufacturing of fats


7. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to each body cell and removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide. In which part(s) of the body does it circulate?
(a) Veins
(b) Arteries
(c) Capillaries
(d) All of these


8. Which tube conducts blood either away from or towards the heart?
(a) Blood vessel
(b) Vein
(c) Blood test
(d) None of these


9. How is the classification of an individual’s blood by group A, B, AB, or O and Rh-factor (negative or positive) called?
(a) Blood classes
(b) Blood group
(c) Blood type
(d) Blood category


10. People with blood group AB can receive blood from all other groups. Which group can be donated to all other groups?
(a) Group B
(b) Group A
(c) Group AB
(d) Group O