31. Trimmu Sidhnai canal takes water from Trimmu Barrage and discharges it into
(a) Ravi
(b) Chenab
(c) Upper Beri Doaab
(d) Lower Beri Doaab
32. The link canal which irrigates the district of D.G. Khan and D.I. Khan starts from
(a) Chashma Barrage
(b) Jinnah Barrage
(c) Sulamanki Headworks
(d) Trimmu Headworks
33. The Upper Swat Canal starts from
(a) Malakand
(b) Abazai
(c) Kabul
(d) Jhelum
34. What is the total length of seven canals built under Indus Water Treaty?
(a) 650 KM
(b) 621 KM
(c) 910 KM
(d) 615 KM
35. The origin of Upper Bari Doaab Canal is
(a) Chenab
(b) Jhelum
(c) Ravi
(d) Indus
36. How many headworks have been constructed on River Sutlej?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 5
37. Sulemanki Headworks is constructed on
(a) River Ravi
(b) River Chenab
(c) River Sutlej
(d) River Jhelum
38. Islam Headworks is constructed on river _____
(a) Sutlej
(b) Jhelum
(c) Ravi
(d) Chenab
39. Khanki Headworks is situated on the river.
(a) Chenab
(b) Indus
(c) Ravi
(d) Jehlum
40. The Khanki Headworks was constructed in:
(a) 1891
(b) 1892
(c) 1893
(d) 1894