Assistant Director MoD Paper 2022

1. All the planets except for Pluto ______ the same way and in the same plane.
(A) travels around the sun
(B) traveling around the sun
(C) travel around the sun
(D) travel for the sun


2. I have been studying_______two hours.
(A) for
(B) since
(C) from
(D) off


3. After three days of rain, “I am glad that the Sun_______again today.”
(A) shine
(B) shining
(C) is shone
(D) is shining


4. Although its publicity has been ______ the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether______.
(A) tasteless… respectable
(B) extensive… moderate
(C) sophisticated … Amateur
(D) risqué … crude


5. I was walking down the street when____to rain.
(A) it begin
(B) it begins
(C) it began
(D) its began


6. If I had enough time now, I______my parents.
(A) will write to
(B) would write to
(C) can write to
(D) could write to


7. If l _____ a bird, could fly home.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) was
(D) were


8. The school principal considered the student’s actions so reprehensible that he termed them_______and refused to accept any excuse.
(A) indefensible
(B) infertile
(C) indefatigable
(D) all-inclusive


9. To______shall I give the package?
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) which
(D) whose


10. He could not deliver______road has not yet been plowed.
(A) the supplies because the
(B) the supplies. Because the
(C) the supplies, Because the
(D) the supplies! Because the