CSS International Law Paper 2021 Solved MCQs 1. What is necessary before a rule can be considered customary international law? A. C, Evidence that states accept such practice as law. B. Both a and c. C. B. That it is enshrined in a treaty D. A. Evidence of general state practice 2. What does Jus ad bellum mean? A. Justice and order. B. Justice and beauty. C. Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force or wage war. D. The principle that states must observe treaties. 3. Who said international law is a collection of rules governing relations between states A. Pufendorf B. Jeremy Bentham C. Oppenheim D. Hugo Grotius 4. The principle of jus cogens means: A. None of these B. A State is bound by the provisions of a forced treaty C. A peremptory norm of International Law D. A successor State is bound by the acts, of a predecessor State. 5. A successor state inherits; A. None of these B. All right/duties of its predecessor state; C. Selected right/dutie D. Nothing 6. A lower riparian State: A. Has no right to share water resources of an international river; B. Has exclusive right C. Has a right to share water on an equitable basis; D. None of these 7. Under the Convention of the Law Sea, the breadth of the exclusive Economic Zone is: A. 200 nautical miles; B. 100 nautical miles; C. 300 nautical miles; D. 400 nautical miles; 8. International Law is not true Law but positive international morality only". Who said it? A. Pufendof B. Pollock C. Austin D. Bentham 9. Who is considered the father of International Law? A. Jeremy Bentham B. Pufendorf C. Hugo Grotius D. Oppenheim 10. According to the Convention of the Law of the Sea, the breadth of the Territorial Sea is: A. 6 nautical miles; B. 8 nautical miles; C. None of these D. 12 nautical miles; Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2