CSS Political Science Paper 2005 Solved MCQs 1. How many essentials are required to constitute a state? A. Five B. Three C. Six D. Four 2. Fascism as a political theory originated in: A. Italy B. Russia C. Germany D. France 3. Plato wrote: A. Political Economy B. Polity C. The Laws D. Politics 4. Locke laid down that state is: A. An end in itself B. Legal necessity C. Unavoidable evil D. Means to an end 5. Laissez Faire policy means: A. Fair legislation B. Control over industry C. Control over trade D. Withdrawal of ‗some restrictions‘ 6. Al-Mauwardi wrote: A. Ahyaul Ulum B. Ahkamul Sultaniya C. Sayarul Muluk D. Siyasatnama 7. Rousseau‘s political philosophy furnished basis for: A. Political sovereignty B. Popular sovereignty C. Limited sovereignty D. Absolute sovereignty 8. Materialistic interpretation of history was propounded by: A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Trotsky D. Bolsheviks 9. Founder of utilitarian school of thought was: A. Jeremy Bentham B. James Mill C. Edmund Burke D. J.S. Mill 10. Leviathan was written by: A. Hobbes B. J.S. Mill C. Hegel D. James Mill Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Pages: 1 2 3 4