CSS General Science and Ability Paper 2017 Solved MCQs

1. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is

2. Blood clotting happens in which part of body

3. Sonar is used to measure

4. Phosphorus helps plants growth of

5. The blue color of sky is due to

6. What is the closest planet to earth 🌎

7. A man walks 2 km towards north. Then he turns to East and walks 10 km. After this he turns to north and walks 3 km. Again he turns towards East and walks 2 km. How far is he from the starting point?

8. Radar receives waves called

9. Catalyst to convert oil into ghee

10. A told B that C is his father's nephew. D is A's cousin but not the brother of C. What relationship is there between D and C?

11. Newspaper can be recycled

12. The longest and the largest bone in humans body is

13. The branch of physics which deals with the atomic nuclei is called

14. Plaster of Paris is obtained from

15. Lens used to correct short-sightedness

16. Stone used in whitewash

17. In a certain code language, computer is written as RFUVQNPC. How will medicine be written in code language

18. The name of disease called Lock-jaw is

19. Conversion of oil into ghee

20. Sulphuric acid was prepared by

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