CSS General Science and Ability Paper 2019 Solved MCQs 1. Which one of the following African countries is located on equator A. Mali B. Kenya C. South Africa D. Egypt 2. White blood cells (WBCs) fight infections from A. All of these B. Fungi C. Bacteria D. Virus 3. Which of the following is associated with earth's environment A. Stratosphere B. Troposphere C. Thermosphere D. Lithosphere 4. The best coal suitable for the production of energy is A. Bituminous B. Lignite C. Anthracite D. Peat 5. Graphite is used in nuclear reactor as A. Moderator B. Control rods C. Coolant D. Fuel 6. How many bones are there in the average person's body? A. 36 B. 206 C. 113 D. It varies from person to person 7. A hexadecimal number is a number to the base A. 20 B. 2 C. 8 D. 16 8. How many countries does the equator pass through A. 9 countries B. 17 countries C. 13 countries D. 11 countries 9. Permanent hardness of water is caused due to the presence of dissolved A. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate B. Sulphate and chlorides of calcium or magnesium C. Calcium hydrogen carbonate D. Both 10. The three elements needed for the healthy growth of plants A. NPK B. NSP C. NKC D. N CA P 11. Which of these is main nitrogenous waste in humans A. Uric acid B. Urea C. Ammonia D. Ammonium nitrate 12. The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is A. 14 B. 15 C. 0111 D. E 13. The liver is supplied by two main blood vessels on its A. Right lobe B. Gallbladder C. Left lobe D. Caudate 14. The unit used to measure distance between stars A. Stellar mile B. Cosmic kilometers C. Galactic unit D. Light year 15. Which of the following is a conventional designation of pre-released software A. Beta B. Alpha C. Raw D. Omega 16. Unavailable Energy in a system is called A. Entropy B. Minimum energy C. Thermal energy D. None from these Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz